Cursor change depending on current tool/action

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MSRE has one or two useful cursor changes, such as an 'arrow cross' when in transform/ xyz placement mode etc. It helps to remind me what tool I'm currently using. In TSRE, I am forever accidentally placing a new object rather than selecting as I forget to check the buttons!

Would it be possible to consider something similar, for perhaps xyz transform, rotate, place new and select?

Old dog finding it hard to learn new tricks

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I second this, especially if the 'paint' type cursors can show how big an area we're going to effect.

Dave Nelson
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Joined: 24 Dec 2019, 03:38
Me too. I often find track that was moved only because it was in a selected state and I was moving on to another task. I think it might be one of the more important changes to make.

Sketchup is a good example to look at: function specific cursors for rotate and pan the camera and different pair of cursors for rotate and pan of objects.

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The following suggestion:
After pressing the E key only the selection of objects is possible.
You can only move objects after pressing the T key.

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No way.

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