Signals not working

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Hi. I've been doing some re-signalling from semaphores to colour lights on a route but find that using TSRE5 to place the signals results in them not working. I tested a newly placed colour light signal by running a train past in Explorer mode. The new signal showed red intstead of green and when the tab key was pressed requesting permission to pass, the message "no signal found" or similar came back, proving that this problem exists. Doing the changes in MSTS route editor worked ok.
Is there a bug in TSRE5 where signal placing is concerned or am I missing something?

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kenpix wrote: 10 Apr 2020, 11:22 Hi. I've been doing some re-signalling from semaphores to colour lights on a route but find that using TSRE5 to place the signals results in them not working. I tested a newly placed colour light signal by running a train past in Explorer mode. The new signal showed red intstead of green and when the tab key was pressed requesting permission to pass, the message "no signal found" or similar came back, proving that this problem exists. Doing the changes in MSTS route editor worked ok.
Is there a bug in TSRE5 where signal placing is concerned or am I missing something?
With the V0.698 I can place working light-Signals.
In TSRE5 you can flip (turn) the Signals (by placing) together with the shape if you have set the Hook at "Flip Shape" at the left in the window Object:, if not you will flip only the red Pyramide. So perhaps the Signalshape is showing to your train, but the red Pyramide is showing in the opposite direction? that can be the reason for "no signal found".

There is a difference between MSTSRE and TSRE5 by placing signals:
MSTS: if you rotate a Signalshape more then 180 Grad, the red Pyramide flip automatically in the other Trackdirection.
TSRE5: You can rotate and Translate a Signalshape in every direction you like ( by "R" then Numpad ore mouse), the red Pyramide is staying in the placing direction.
To rotate the red pyramide you haver to Select the Shae or the red Pyramide and use the function FLIP in the Menu "Object" at the left ( with or without selecting Flip Shape).

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Joined: 13 Feb 2020, 15:35
Thanks, please put this matter on hold. I've decided not to carry on converting my route to colour lights, even though I have problems with semaphore distants not all clearing. I shall continue to try different ways of getting past the problem which seems to be with Open Rails - running an activity in MSTS doesn't have this happening.

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kenpix wrote: 12 Apr 2020, 19:28 Thanks, please put this matter on hold. I've decided not to carry on converting my route to colour lights, even though I have problems with semaphore distants not all clearing. I shall continue to try different ways of getting past the problem which seems to be with Open Rails - running an activity in MSTS doesn't have this happening.
there exist different Methode of animation a signalarm in the Signalshape, and in the Sigcfg.dat with the correspoonding SemaphorePos ( ) in Signaltype> SignalDrawStates. OR can not display all exotic combinaton of Semaphorepos( )-Numbers as MSTS does.
in the animationpart at the end of the shape exist:
  • tcb_key ( 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 )
    tcb_key ( 1 0 0 -0.382683 0.92388 0 0 0 0 0 )
    tcb_key ( 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 )
    slerp_rot ( 0 0 0 0 1 )
    slerp_rot ( 1 0 0 -0.376271 0.92651 )
    slerp_rot ( 2 0 0 0 1 )
In some shapes there is no step 2 defined which has the same Position as the Step 0

In the sigcfg.dat you can find any fany definitions of semaphorepos(), specially in german Routes, correct is:
  • SignalDrawStates ( 2
    SignalDrawState ( 0
    DrawLights ( 1
    DrawLight ( 0 )
    SemaphorePos ( 0 )
    SignalDrawState ( 1
    DrawLights ( 1
    DrawLight ( 1 )
    SemaphorePos ( 1 )
I have fond Semaphorepos( ) 0,2 or 1,2 or 2,1 or 1,2,0 or 1,0,2 and so on.
After long working together with OR-Developers, some of this definitons are working also in OR but not all.
Perhaps you have in your sigcfg.dat also such an exotic combination?
see also in the german Forum TSSF in different posts

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