TSRE5 problems

Use this forum if you need help using TSRE.
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Good evening to all participants in the forum, I am a new user (my name is Roberto and live in Italy) and I am writing for a problem
I have with TSRE5_v0.698x32, I indicate below the details of the error:
Firma problema:
Nome evento problema: APPCRASH
Nome applicazione: TSRE5_v0.698x32.exe
Versione applicazione: 0.698.0.0
Timestamp applicazione: 5e8b1799
Nome modulo con errori: StackHash_0a9e
Versione modulo con errori:
Timestamp modulo con errori: 00000000
Codice eccezione: c0000005
Offset eccezione: 00000000
Versione SO: 6.1.7601.
ID impostazioni locali: 1040
Informazioni aggiuntive 1: 0a9e
Ulteriori informazioni 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Ulteriori informazioni 3: 0a9e
Ulteriori informazioni 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Leggere l'informativa sulla privacy online:
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and I also indicate the parameters of the TSRE5 settings file:
consoleOutput = false
# main directory of your game data
gameRoot = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Train Simulator
# route directory name to load on startup by default
routeName = asdasasdasd1233
# optional start tile
#startTileX = -5306
#startTileY = 14961
# route edit
#createNewIfNotExist = true
writeEnabled = true
writeTDB = true
#deleteTrWatermarks = true
#deleteViewDbSpheres = true
# geo data
geoPath = F:/hgst
# misc
#systemTheme = true
#colorConView = #FF0000
#colorShapeView = #00FF00
#toolsHidden = true
usenNumPad = true
tileLod = 2
objectLod = 4000
maxObjLag = 10
allowObjLag = 1000
#cameraFov = 20.0
leaveTrackShapeAfterDelete = false
#renderTrItems = true
#useImperial = false
#ortsEngEnable = false
#oglDefaultLineWidth = 2
shadowsEnabled = 1
#shadowMapSize = 8192
#textureQuality = 4
ignoreMissingGlobalShapes = true
snapableOnlyRot = false
imageMapsUrl =
#AASamples = 16
#mapImageResolution = 2048
#cameraStickToTerrain = true
#mouseSpeed = 0.1
#mainWindowLayout = W
#ceindowLayout = CU1
#useQuadTree = false
#fogColor = #D0D0FF
#fogDensity = 0.5
#defaultElevationBox = 0
#defaultMoveStep = 0.25

I don't have a solution for this problem, i've needa your help.

I thank and greet all OR fans

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Good morning,

I've forgot, S.O:. WIN 7 HP 32 bit, excuse me

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These numbers are useless. Just say what you did.

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Joined: 26 Apr 2020, 19:31
Good morning,

thank you for your answer;
I downloaded the TSRE5 file and put the file from the "desktop" directory, Consist Editor folder, I changed the settings file from F:Microsoft Games \ Train Simulator to C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Games \ Train Simulator, I run TSRE5.exe for route editor and Consist Editor batch file, but everything crashed.

I hope I was clear, thank you and regards

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The "Programs" folder is, by design, protected by the Windows operating system which severely limits TSRE and many of the other programs we use from making changes to anything in the "Program" files.
I would suggest that you move the MSTS content folders labeled GLOBAL, SOUND, ROUTES, and TRAINS to a folder outside of the "Programs" folder.
If you only have a C: drive then put them in a folder in the root of that drive. C:\1MSTS is a good place. Easy to find.
I would leave the rest of the MSTS stuff where it is. You'll want the registry entries in place when you try installing any other MSTS/OR tools.
TSRE, Route_Riter, Shapeviewer and other programs meant specifically for MSTS/OpenRails should also be installed to a folder outside of the Programs folder, similar to 1MSTS but in not in the 1MSTS folder. C:\1tools would work.
This is assuming you have no intention of ever using MSTS.
This will make your life so much easier.


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randrett wrote: 27 Apr 2020, 13:40I downloaded the TSRE5 file and put the file from the "desktop" directory, Consist Editor folder, I changed the settings file from F:Microsoft Games \ Train Simulator to C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Games \ Train Simulator, I run TSRE5.exe for route editor and Consist Editor batch file, but everything crashed
Your answer still has no useful info.
You can show tsre log at least.

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hi Randy,
I tried as you said, but TSRE gives the same mistake, thanks to you

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Hello Goku,

i send you an attachment of log TSRE5, thank you very much

(3.55 KiB) Downloaded 430 times

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I see nothing wrong here.
Check if your computer has OpenGL.

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ok thank you very much

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