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It's just that if we run a route, for example Strepanovka, everything is fine on the server, But from the client side, when connecting, until we add your test route to our routes folder, it will not connect to the server. It just crashes at the "load_route" stage, and if we add it, it works, but the route starts all black. When pointing at the traffic light, an error pops up that no model was found in the test route. "C:/RTS/routes/bbb/shapes/T_Signal_Small_WB.s|C:\\RTS/routes/bbb/textures"

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I attach a Log, a completely different route is used, but information is loaded from bbb.
# route directory name to load on startup by default
routeName = Stepanovka
------Log.txt Client

------Log.txt Server

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The route must be too in client /routes/ directory.
- Server needs complete route.
- Client needs: route folder with directories and files like in my bbb example.

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Oh, I see there is a bug inside server code:
QString msg = "load_route ( \"bbb\" )";
Route name is hardcoded.
Fix is underway.

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New version .7.008 on tsre site.

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Yes, the full route is on the server. The assembly we use lies on the repository, we give it to the user via rsync and that's it. Well, I understand that you can just throw certain folders in bbb and continue testing. Since MaDaDev is very interested in this functionality. We are the largest project on RTrainSim Russian for the development of PS, Routes, etc.
Last edited by Louis on 10 Jan 2022, 19:47, edited 1 time in total.

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Also tell me, is it better to use the Linux or Windows platform? One more thing, we can help you in testing new versions that you are releasing.

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Thank you for the new version, now we will conduct a test and give an answer, if necessary, I can also attach the server and client logs.

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Launched under Windows, it works, the textures are all rendered. There are no more problems with red markers. Now I'll upload it to Arch Linux and check how it will be there. Also tell me if there is an opportunity to make a port that can be changed. For security purposes from other people who may find out the ip and port

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Louis wrote: 10 Jan 2022, 19:46 Also tell me, is it better to use the Linux or Windows platform? One more thing, we can help you in testing new versions that you are releasing.
Doesn't matter. But if you want to host it in a datacenter, linux servers/vps are just much, much cheaper and easier to manage.

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