Transform tool

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Dave Nelson
Posts: 19
Joined: 24 Dec 2019, 03:38
The transform tool is handy. I think it would be a lot better for lateral moves if there was a single field to accept distance and second field to accept direction (values of +/- 0-360) and then move the selected object the distance requested in the direction requested. You could relabel the vertical to up/down and an amount. Have that part of the movement as well, as in if left zero the movement doesn't change elevation of the moved object, if a non-zero number is entered include that distance when moving the object.
transform.jpg (9.12 KiB) Viewed 11072 times
I suppose to make it really robust there could be a choice about the compass direction, either compass North =0 or whatever the rotational orientation relative to true north is in the objects QDirection() value. IOW if the QDirection value relative to true north is 45d and the user enters 90d and 25m the object moves realtive to its own right side the requested 25m.

Dave Nelson
Posts: 19
Joined: 24 Dec 2019, 03:38
Just adding another thought.

I'm dealing with a problem right now trying to get building models to move up to sidewalks. The problem is at street intersections where there are sidewalks at 90d. The transform tool can move the building towards one sidewalk but that results in moving away from the other. This is because the streets do run run true north and south, east and west, but instead are on an angle relative to pointing north.

The solution should be to enhance the transfor function to let user should be able to toggle between movement by compass (what it does right now) and movement by QDirection.

For example, you need to place an object parallel to the tracks as well as a specific distance away, say 3m. Copy/paste position plus rotation gets the basic orientation correct but getting it 3m away is a problem. With a toggle between compass and QDirection the end user could change to QDirection and enter 3m to place it exactly. Inside the code the current QDirection should be regarded as-if it was north so the 3m value should be entered in the X box.

After examining the change if the end user wants to move it =2m in the direction of the track, he adds -2 in the Z box (or is it Y box, I don't recall -- whichever is right for keeping the altitude the same).

Same steps would solve my building placement problem.

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Dave Nelson wrote: 08 Jan 2021, 22:23The solution should be to enhance the transfor function to let user should be able to toggle between movement by compass (what it does right now) and movement by QDirection.
TSRE uses QDirection by default in Transform window. You can toggle between QDirection and "compass" using "Use Object Rotation for translation" check box.
So the thing you are talking about was always there.
Sometimes I can't even imagine how are you running into your problems, like you are using something other than TSRE ...

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Joined: 28 Dec 2020, 20:52
Location: Hungary
This transform tool is really handy, my only problem is I have no idea, where the object's local coordinate axes are, if the "Use Object Rotation for translation" checkbox is checked. When the object is selected and boundig box is visible, appearing a local coordinate system would be useful. Maybe using different color for each axis or same color but marked with axis name.
Similar to this, drawing the global coordinate system in the corner of the window would be also helpful.

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